Sadhana aged 13 years studying 8th grade from Timmaboobalapuram village. She said “One unknown person entered in my house and tried to abuse me” I shouted from coming out of house, then he escaped from house. I undergone CFAM training and gained knowledge about child rights and skills for protect myself including how I can help other children by using child help line 1098. I created awareness among 18 tribal about importance of Education and motivated to re- enrolled in local Government school”. With her efforts two child marriage stopped in the village by contacting child help line 1098.
She created awareness among other children/ youth about moral values and how to handle age related problems. One of our school teacher was try to misbehave with one of our CFAM group children. Immediately CFAM group taken up this issue with school HM and teacher was relied from the school. One of a boy in our village was failed in 12th grade and committed suicide. CFAM children and Sadhana arranged psychological counselling through IRCDS and made arrangements to continue technical course in Govt. Institution.
Sadhana Says “our voices never been heard in Gram Sabhas. We wanted our voice to be heard there. We placed our demand to the elders and today we are participating in grama sabha meetings. In the meeting we demanded for ensuring toilet facility in our village as it is basic right for all human beings and most importantly for safety and dignity of young girls and women. This is only the beginning and we will keep on voicing our rights”.