• +91 9443417433
  • ircds1986@gmail.com / stephen@ircds.in

Deep rooted social structures around caste and gender and perceived low values of girls, practices and culture around them make women and girls particularly as victims of violence. Most of them lack skills to safeguard themselves when they are put to distress in vulernable situations. We are organizing women to amplify their voices to safeguard their rights, building their capacities for enhancing their participation in family and community decision making and in local governance. We are also taking initiatives for breaking negative social and gender norms. Some of our interventions towards this goal are:

  • Creating awareness among the socially excluded communities
  • Organizing the women in to Self Help Groups ( SHGs)
  • Capacity building on women rights, Leadership and group management, financial management and Government entitlements and schemes.
  • Advocating for their socio- Economic , Educational , Health, Gender, political, cultural and other rights
  • Networking with other organizations and campaigning with similar mission.

Family Counselling Centre: Psychological counselling to needy Youth, women and men, broken families. It also cooperates very closely with local authorities such as the centre does not only focus on counselling and mediation sessions with family members. We are also working with Women Police Stations and District Administration.

Activities related to Women Empowerment can also be found in the "Latest News" section of the IRCDS website :