• +91 9443417433
  • ircds1986@gmail.com / stephen@ircds.in

மாற்றுத்திறனாளிகளுக்கான நலத்திட்டங்கள்

Hand Book on SHGs for Differently Abled Persons - Published by IRCDS

A Compilation of Government Welfare Schemes and Orders for the Differently Abled Persons

I.IRCDS Compilations

  1. Vasantham DPO Federation Election Process – May 2010(Video)
  2. A Compilation of State Government Welfare Schemes & Orders for the Differently Abled Persons – Volume I (May 2012)
  3. A Compilation of State Government Welfare Schemes & Orders for the Differently Abled Persons – Volume II (June 2013)
  4. A Compilation of Central Government Orders for the Differently Abled Persons – Volume III (June 2013)
  5. Disability Awareness Songs(Tamil)
  6. Disability Awareness Videos – June 2013 (Tamil & English)
  7. Disability Causes (handouts in Tamil) -pdf
  8. Mainstreaming Disability – PowerPoint
  9. Guide for Disability Mainstreaming
  10. Role of Churches in Mainstreaming / Inclusion – PowerPoint
  11. Role of CBOs in Mainstreaming / Inclusion – PowerPoint
  12. Good Practices in Advocacy & Lobbying – Power Point
  13. Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities-Project Implemented by IRCDS with the funding support of Caritas Germany

II. IRCDS and its Partners

  1. Caritas Germany
  2. Caritas India
  3. CBR Foundation
  4. Vasantham DPO Federation November 2012 – PowerPoint
  5. ADD India, Bangalore – part of ADD UK
  6. Vidya Sagar, Chennai
  7. Basic Needs India
  8. Most polling booths in state are not disabled-friendly, says study
  9. CBR Forum Partner NGOs and DPOs Working in Tiruvallur District, Tamil Nadu

III.Tiruvallur District in Tamil Nadu

  1. Tiruvallur District Administration & Telephone Directory
  2. Right to Information Act – Tiruvallur District Contact Information

IV.State Government of Tamil Nadu

  1. All Department Documents
  2. All Department Government Welfare Schemes – Tamil Nadu
  3. All Department Government Orders
  4. Application Forms – all departments to apply for Govt. welfare schemes and services
  5. Welfare of the Differently Abeld Persons
  6. Welfare of Differently Abled Persons-Govt. schemes
  7. Department of Welfare of the Differently Abled Persons, Govt. of Tamil Nadu Government Orders
  8. Right to Information Act – Tamil Nadu State Official
  9. Data On Disabilities – Tamil Nadu State

V.Government of India

  1. Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment, Government of India
  2. Office of The Chief Commissioner for Persons with Disabilities- Related Websites
  3. Related Websites- National Institutes Related to Disability
  4. Disability in India
  5. Office of The Chief Commissioner for Persons with Disabilities Important OMs/Notifications
  6. Planning a Barrier Free Environment- Guidebook
  7. A Guidebook on Creating Sporting & Recreational Activities For Persons with Disabilities
  8. Disabled Friendly Tourist Guide for Delhi – 2006
  9. Sucess Stories
  10. Updates
  11. Information Handbook under Right to Information Act, 2005

VI. DPOs / NGOs working in Tamil Nadu and Pondicherry

  1. Ability Foundation
  2. Amar Seva Sangam
  3. Differently abled in census 2011 India – T.M.N.Deepak
  4. EQUALS, Chennai
  5. Holy Cross Service Society
  6. Samuga Sevai Sudar – Monthly magazine ( Voice of the differently abled persons)
  7. Tamil Nadu Handicapped Federation Charitable Trust
  8. Tamil Nadu Voluntary Health Association(TNVHA)
  9. The Spastics Society of Tamilnadu (SPASTN)
  10. Udavikkaram – A Platform to know, share and voice for the Rights of Differently Abled
  11. Vidya Sagar, Chennai
  12. Pondicherry Multipurpose Social Service Society-Resource directory on government schemes

VII. Other NGOs / DPOs

  1. Action Aid India
  2. ADD India, Bangalore
  3. APD, Bangalore
  4. Blind PeopleÂ’s Association ( India ), Ahmedabad
  5. Basic Needs India
  6. Bethany Society, Meghalaya
  7. CBR Network
  8. CBM in India
  9. Emmanuel Health Association- Advocacy Manuals (Different States of india)
  10. Leonard Cheshire Disability International
  11. Mitrajyothi Trust, Banglaore
  12. Mobility India, Bangalore
  13. National Association for the Blind, India
  14. NCPEDP – National Centre for Promotion of Employment for Disabled People, New Delhi
  15. SAMARTHYAM- National Centre for Accessible Environments, NewDelhi
  16. SANCHAR, Cacutta
  17. Sightsavers in India
  18. Sense International ( India)
  19. UNNATI Organization for Development Education, Ahmedabad
  20. Voluntary Health Association of India
  21. VSO India

VIII. Other Resources / Links

  1. Disability Mainstreaming – Resource Materials
  2. Livelihood for Persons with Disabilities
  3. Advocacy & Lobbying