The Nutrition status of the children in the Tiruvallur District is worse than the Tamil Nadu State average due its poverty, under development, unemployment and cultural beliefs & taboos.
Description | Tiruvallur District | Tamil Nadu State |
Children under 5 years who are stunted (height-for-age) % | 36 | 28.6 |
Children under 5 years who are wasted (Weight-for-height) % | 24.4 | 20.3 |
Children under 5 years who are under weight (weight-for-age) % | 35.7 | 25.7 |
Children aged between 6-59 months and who are anemic (<11.0 g/dl) % | 55.2 | 52.5 |
Our Goals are :
- Preventing and reducing under nutrition as early as possible
- Focusing on reaching children under three years of age
- An integrated approach to early child development
- Ensuring family and community participation / responsibility in the early childhood development
- Ensuring Equity
To address the root causes of nutritional deficiencies and inadequate parenting practices, IRCDS is working with Govt. Anganwadi centres (Early childhood care centres), different Govt. Institutions, Academic Institutions, NGOs and communities for creating awareness for behavioral changes, building their capacities and create space for ANC/ Lactating mothers, young fathers, communities and Govt. Institutions to share their concerns and find solutions through the following:
Our activities:
- Capacity building of ANC/PNC mothers and young fathers
- Capacity building of Anganwadi workers & Helpers on ECCD / Learning through Play
- Awareness on Nutritional outcome and first 1000 days
- Capacity building on parenting practices
- School readiness
- Nutri-garden in Anganwadi centres
- Ensuring the services for ANC/PNC mothers and children from migrant brick kiln workers
Activities related to Early Childhood Care and Development (ECCD) can also be found in the "Latest News" section of the IRCDS website :
- 28-7-21 Training to young fathers
- 9-12-21 Training to Panchayat Presidents
- 14-3-22 Nutri Care Mobile Application
- 4-8-22 World Breastfeeding Week
- 10-1-23 Stephen delivered a speech on " Role of Nutritionist in NGO's Perspective"
- 20-2-23 Tabs to Under-privileged Children
- 22-5-23 Resource Person support to Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS)
- 5-8-23 World Breastfeeding Week - Awareness Program
- 16-9-23 Three Anganwadi Centres Renovation by IRCDS
- 11-7-24 Ramachandra Institute of Higher Education and Research (SRIHER)
- August 2024 : A Study conducted by the IRCDS for the State Planning Commission
- 30-9-24 National Nutrition Month