• +91 9443417433
  • ircds1986@gmail.com / stephen@ircds.in

Current partners:

Widow and Destitute Welfare Board,
Social Welfare & Women Empowerment Department,
Govt of Tamil Nadu
https://tnsocialwelfare.tn.gov.in Family Counselling Centre
India Literacy Project https://www.ilpnet.org/ Ensuring the Quality Education in Government Schools in Thiruvalangadu and Tirutani Blocks
Children Believe https://childrenbelieve.ca/india/ Educational focused Child development
Lions Club Educational support for Children and Youth
Azim Premji Foundation https://azimpremjifoundation.org/ Improve work place safety and social security for brick kiln workers
Deutsch – Indische Zusammenarbeit e.V (DIZ) http://www.diz-ev.de/ BMZ : Improving Climate Resilience and Carbon Reduction Project and Volunteership Program
Tamil Nadu Agricultural University  https://tnau.ac.in/ Technical backstopping for the Implementation of Climate Resilience and Carbon Reduction in the Tiruvallur District
Enable India  https://www.enableindia.org/ Livelihood promotion of Persons with Disabilities
Give & Amazon  https://www.giveindia.org/ Prevent school dropouts among tribals by ensuring transport facilities
Leap to Shine  https://leaptoshine.org/ Strengthen the learning base through digital media
Tribal Welfare Department, Government of Tamil Nadu  https://www.tntribalwelfare.tn.gov.in/ Economic Empowerment of Tribal people and families in Tiruvallur District

Manali Petro Chemicals Limited

AM Foundation, SPIC House Chennai


Sanitation Facilities for Differently Abled Persons
Qualcomm India Private Limited  https://www.qualcomm.com/company/locations/india WASH and Education Project in tiruvallur district

Previous partners:

Give India  https://www.giveindia.org/ Deployment of Oxygen Plant 333 LPM in Tiruvallur District General Hospital and Oxygen concentrators to 12 Government Primary Health Centres
Ministry of Rural Development, Govt.of India https://rural.nic.in/ Social Animators trg, Rural Housing & Sanitation
Tamil Nadu Corporation for Development of women http://www.tamilnadumahalir.org/ Women and Child Development
Ministry of Women and Child Development, Govt.of India https://wcd.nic.in/ Women and Child Development
Directorate of Social Defence (2000 - 2021) https://www.tn.gov.in/announcements/announce_view/87969 Children Home and Reception Unit
International Labour Organisation https://www.ilo.org/global/lang–en/index.htm Prevention and Elimination of Bonded Labour in South Asia  
Give2Asia https://give2asia.org/ Village Development Model through Samaj Shilpi approach
Consulate General of the Federal Republic of Germany https://india.diplo.de/in-en/vertretungen/generalkonsulat2 Support for Micro - Project ( Construction of Courtyard building )