My name is Manisha. I am studying 8th standard in Govt. Higher sec. school, Pennalurpet. I attended the child friendly accountability mechanism training organized by Children Believe and IRCDS.
In Child rights and child protection, I became aware that 0-18 is the age group of children.
In rights I came to know, on right to live, right to growth and development, right to protection and right to participate.
Now I am fully aware about all forms of vulnerabilities like physical, emotional, sexual and neglect towards children. With special reference to child early marriage and sexual abuse on girl child as also the channels through which I can approach with complaints for protection of girls. If I come across any girl having attained school going age but forced into child labour. I would inform 1098 for immediate action. It has enabled me with knowledge of prominent duty bearers and their location of their offices.
Now I am well aware about various important Acts viz; Right to information, Right to education, Child labour prevention act, Female infanticide act, POCSO Act and Child marriage prevention Act.
This training enables me to gain self confidence and made discern between right and wrong. It has made aware about the good and bad touch.
I am happy to share in any family decision making my views and thoughts are also accepted by my parents. My mother encouraged me and appreciated to involve this type learning. This training which improved my knowledge on various child rights issues has helped me gain respect from my friends and community. It has also provided an opportunity to share these valuable guidelines to all whom I come across and pledge to continue with it. I am sharing my learnings with other children, parents and community members. I am a member of Village level Child Protection Committee and instrumental to re- enroll 3 children in to school. She used to share children and village common issues in the village Grama sabha meeting and find positive responses. She is one who made grama sabha to pass resolution to stop exam which was planned for 5th and 8th grade in Tamil Nadu state. She stopped Child marriage of her class mate with the help of a child line. Three CFAM groups are functioning in the village. She used to facilitate all three CFAM groups efficiently.
Finally I extent my hearty thanks to Children Believe and IRCDS.